
    Over watch is a team based first person shooter. It is Blizzards new IP ( Intellectual Property) after about a decade. Other games that they made are Hearthstone, World of Warcrafts, Starcraft, and Diablo III. Overwatch has 25 heroes that you can play and switch between midgame.  There are 4 types of heroes, offence, defense, tank, and support. 
In all heroes there are 3 difficulties:
  • 1 star = Easy
  • 2 stars = Intermediate
  • 3 stars = Hard
   There are three types of objectives. Assault, escort and control. In assault missions you have to
either capture a point while the enemy defends the point, or defend a point where the enemy team tries to capture it. In escort missions you have to either escort the payload or stop the payload. In control missions the point isn't control yet. So you have to capture it and defend the point until it reaches 100%.
    We personally like the game because you can use all the heroes for free. That means the micro transactions are for skins, voice packs etc. Another reason i like this game is because there is infinite ammo, thus removing pesky ammo limits OTHER FPS (First Person Shooters) games


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