Climate Change : How We Are Killing Mother Earth

      Climate change. The thing that causes glaciers to shrink, ice on rivers and lakes to break, plant and animal rages to shift, and trees to flower sooner. Those are just the minor effects, didn't really impact us much, did it? But over time, once it gets worse, there's no turning back. Scientists estimate that more than 90 coastal communities in the United States are battling chronic flooding due to the rising sea level, which is caused by glaciers and ice in the arctics melting. What's worse, is that this kind of flooding is predicted to be the kind of flooding that's so unmanageable it prompts people to move away.

      "As glaciers disappear around the world, there is less water available for use for hydroelectric power, as a renewable resource for agriculture, for human consumption," said Benjamin Orlove, a professor of international and public affairs at Colombia University in New York. "The glacier retreat also brings many disasters. Entire slopes are destabilized, creating landslides that travel many miles and have destroyed entire towns. "

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  Even with all the evidences combine, there is surprisingly a large member of people who still doubt the existence of climate change. One is of these people is a very influential politician, which uses Twitter, a social media platform, to reach millions of people. And I'm sure all of you already guessed who this person is. And of course, it is the great, the almighty, Donald Trump.

        Donald Trump has tweeted climate change skepticism 115 times. Here's some of it.
Image result for trump's tweet about climate changeImage result for trump's tweet about climate change 

Image result for trump's tweet about climate change
      No, Mr. Trump. Climate change is and still occurring, today. The trend of the earth's temperature heating up over the years isn't just a natural occurrence. Studies show that there is greater than 95% probability of it to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century, and is still ongoing till today. We can even still see this happening in our daily lives. Along the roads, we witness with our own eyes, fumes that factories produce. Burning fossil fuels would create sulfur dioxide , carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, Carbon Monoxide and other gases that contribute to the global average temperature rise.

       A global average temperature rise of only 1C could have serious implications. Possible consequences include melting of polar ice caps; an increase in sea level; and increases in precipitation and severe weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, floods, and droughts. Indirect effects include increases in infectious disease, weather-related deaths, and food and water shortages. All these effects put a stress on ecosystems and agriculture, and threaten our planet as a whole.
        So yes, climate change is indeed an important issue that we should all acknowledge, and not just ignore it just because we haven't suffered the consequences yet. We have forgotten that curing cancer starts with preventing cancer in the first place. There are many actions people of all ages can take to reduce harmful gas emissions. Starting with reusing your ugly old bottles and use it to create newer things, such as creative artwork.


  1. How informative. Though perhaps redo the opening lines.


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