Love and Hate Relationship. The whole world is full of love and hate relationship, full of intense moments where the littlest things matters the most. Usually happens between two people who deeply love each other but instead of expressing their feelings, they argue 24/7. Often caused by jealousy and terrible communications. Being indecisive on what to do is also one of the factors.

Signs of Love and Hate Relationships :
- You're in a break-up and make-up cycle. You can be arguing the last hour and hugging each other the next hour. The cycle keeps going on and on.
-You're constantly annoyed by what he does and make a big deal about it.
-The emotions are always intense.
-There are unresolved issues. You have conflicts with him, big or small ALL the time. But never talk about it so it bubbled up and cause problems.

Ways to solve :

- You have to talk about it every single time an argument occurs. Don't just run away from your problem as if it's not going to approach you anymore.
-Don't start a relationship if you're not yet ready(mature). By doing this, it could prevent this love and hate relationships from occurring.
-Be decisive on your decisions. If you want to fix it, then fix it. If it's not healthy for you anymore, then leave it.
-Don't play the blame game. Don't start blaming your partner because an argument never starts with only one person, it starts with both.
-You can always talk to someone to get advice but make sure you can trust that person. Like a family member or best friend. Also, make sure the person is unbiased.

Emilee & Felicia (S4)


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